Usually I have two monitors on this preposterously small standing desk (that’s always in the down position), but I’ve decided to finally start experimenting with the sewing machine I’ve owned for 10 months and never once used. In an ideal world, this would be two separate surfaces - and not directly next to my bed - but that’s Manhattan for ya!
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Sep 24, 2024

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10+ year old apple monitors and my laptop, mostly used when producing otherwise i’m on the couch with just my laptop for most things I gotta do. the little table with the synths on the right is an old sewing machine table with wheels on it I got at an antique store for cheap, it has collapsable extensions on each side very helpful for decluttering my main desk space
Jun 15, 2024
if, like me, you are cursed with being imprisoned in front of a computer, in your own home, for many hours each day, just so you can pay rent, this is a suggestion for you before getting a standing desk i basically never used my desk at all, working exclusively from the couch and doing untold damage to my wrists now with both the desk and the balance board, not only can i manage to do my job with less existential dread, sometimes it’s even fun to pretend i am surfing whilst writing code or business documents
Feb 28, 2024

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