I watched both of these movies for the first time ever this week. I have come to realize that they’re basically the same movie but inverted (If that makes any sense at all)??
I thoroughly enjoyed watching them both and I think they would make a great double feature movie night. (Also ghost world is free on tubi currently!!)
i just watched crash (1996) for the first time today... woah... i'm sure its no the first time someone has suggested this but this double feature would be life changing! 😩😩😁
Invite some friends over, watch something really intense or high brow or difficult, when they leave put on cartoons, go to bed and sleep well 😌
Double feature tonight: Monster (2003), Atlantis (2001)
You will surprise yourself and you will connect with the coolest groups of people. Don’t let imposter syndrome or rejection stop you. Get rejected one hundred times. It’s worth it for the times you’ll be seen and accepted and supported. And you get to support others while you’re at it.