I made an error in purchasing my perfect pair of jeans. My friend who used to work at Levi’s recommends buying a size too small and I was cursed constantly with too baggy jeans because of not doing this. But I sized down too much with a very sturdy denim and they were just so uncomfortable. I persevered for a while, hoping they’d stretch more and refusing to take the loss. But last week I just fucking bought the size up and now I can wear them and love them and not feel sad and annoyed at myself every time! The moral of this story is to buy clothes that fit you, and to not continue to wear something that makes your crotch feel like it’s about to split in half. Take the loss, it will feel better.
I’ve been avoiding buying new jeans mainly because of money and my body ever changing postpartum. I also have no idea what my size actually is because women’s clothing sizes are insane and make no sense and it seemed like too much work. It dawned on me though that I will not in fact be fitting back into my pre-pregnancy jeans before autumn hits like I was able to first time around (I’m not rushing the process either, btw). So, I went to Depop and bought two pairs of different sizes and hoped for the best.
I just received one pair and the gods have blessed me. I feel like an actual woman instead of a nugget and the best part is I don’t have to hem them!!! Never in my life would I have sought out a pair of high-rise flare Hollister jeans but it turns out they are exactly what I needed 🙏
Spending the money to find clothes that actually fit you and make you feel good is worth it every time, a lesson I’ll learn over and over and over and over….
I bought second hand Madewell and Banana Republic baggy jeans from Thredup that were too big in the waist but the right amount of baggy in the hips/butt/thighs then took in the waist myself (amateurly). You could also get them professionally tailored. I also always buy 98-100% cotton so they don’t get stretched out after a year. Sometimes I will hand sew an alteration in but fold and not cut the extra fabric that way if I gain weight I can just take the stitches back out!
Jeans should be too big. Not like baggy, but just a little too big so they fit over boots, so you can wear a cool belt, so they stop ripping at the crotch, and so you can easily store things in the pockets.
I used to be envious of people who had “MySpace friends” or “tumblr friends”. Now I have PI.FYI friends. Thank you capyboppy for your lovely letter and this illustration of a capybara and a mouse with fruit on our heads, it made me weirdly emotional ❤️