I don’t wish unknown sickness of your dog unto anyone, but if you have to visit the vet weekly only to leave with a general “still not sure,” at least Modern Animal offers me the perk of a free coffee/sparkling water while I panic.
i relate it a lot to going to the airport. youre in a public area, its loud, lots of things are going on, possibly expensive.
also just wanted a reason to show my dog.
it's good for quality catch up time. you can wander about the common with no maps and it makes you feel like everything will be ok!
below is my friend’s dog cody!!!
the coming of age teenage romance i’ve been waiting for for the past decade. a perfect aubrey plaza role. I cried tears I rarely ever do for a movie. a must see!
there is nothing more freeing than taking the bus or a bike around la. the city is yours for the evening, your night can go anywhere, parking is distant thought that no longer troubles you.