my mum always used to always play me the song as a little kid. as i grew up i realised it would have been her comfort song after splitting up with my dad... heartbreaking stuff, but i have very fond memories associated with it - dancing in the kitchen with her, singing along to it in the car etc. 🫢🏾
Sep 27, 2024

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When I first heard this song, I was 14. I found it on a 7" record from the 80's, along with a Panasonic turntable, collecting dust in the basement. I hooked it up to the stereo, my mother came home, I put it on. I remember us dancing in the living room and although the song was upbeat, she was soon crying. "This was our song; your father's and mine." He had passed the year before. We had a mother-and-son-night-in that night I'll never forget. Popcorn, dancing, TV, gossip. Many stories of my dad were told. In the background VH1 was playing, that channel that only plays music from 30 years ago. By chance the music video to that song came on. Sorry for the wall of text. The music video is by no means a masterpiece, it's just deeply personal for me. I still miss you, mom.
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a few people have said this to me and it's honestly made me so happy and such a great feeling to know you make other people feel at ease too. i really am a people person and just love getting to know anyone and everyone whether it's people's friends, family, partners etc.
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love giving the people a little taste of my dresser, a cassette collection, postcards, prints lol..... be mysterious (or maybe it's the opposite) don't give them everything straight away, share little details and i'm sure hot guy will find something to reply to xoxo
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