*shines bright light in your face* But WHY do you like what you like?! Echoing a sentiment from Tyler, the Creator, where he tweeted for people to expand on what they liked about his songs and delve into the WHY (i.e the bridge, chords, riffs) Truly believe it’s so so important to be able to articulate why things bring us enjoyment, pleasure and giddiness, because that just makes way for one to obsess/ research and learn more about said thing! This is basically a gratitude post for PI, I just love blagging about what makes this Little Life of Mine more bearable !!!
Sep 27, 2024

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things that delight are worthy of our deepest attention. asking "why do i love this" over and over has never failed to enrich life
Discovering new-to-me music and being inspired !  Watching a Terrence Malick film for the tenth time and still finding something new to marvel at.  Driving around LA and not hating it nearly as much as my fellow New Yorker’s told me I would.  Listening to two strangers discuss politics and gender fluidity as I tap my painted fingernails across my iPad - will either of them change their position at the end of the heated debate? Is Andre 3000 even possible?  Finding comfort in the fact that Solange genre hops with no apologies!  No need to talk, its not my thing.  So much art to make its dizzying — it will cure all evil !
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It’s hard to fully appreciate the impact algorithmic feeds have on deciding and reinforcing what is desirable. Algorithms collect your data, put you into groups with similar people, and predict what to recommend based on what other people who enjoy similar things and are part of similar demographics have responded well to. Social media apps often expertly track users’ responses to the content they’re shown. Consider what it means for you to like things, where those tastes come from, why you like them, etc. There’s nothing wrong with being basic because few are meant to be connoisseurs, even if it may feel like it in a digital world dominated by aesthetics. But if you have specific well-developed taste and a trained eye, you can usually articulate explanations for what draws you to these things and the influences and life experiences that have led you there. If you can’t it can be helpful to reflect on it! This is a normal first step for anyone with a serious interest in arts and culture of any kind.
Jan 17, 2025

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a myth dating from the victorian period, these tiny, decorative glass bottles were wept into by those mourning their loved ones. once the tears collected eventually evaporated, this marked the end of their mourning period. this myth has been debunked by scientists, with others saying that these bottles were in fact used to store perfumes, but i'm very obsessed with this romantic notion and will be sticking to it!
Feb 18, 2025
i see solitude as metamorphosis. you need that time in the cocoon to really check in with yourself and the joy of that comes from how you'll gain a deeper understanding of yourself. sometimes i spend SO much time with myself that i get SO BORED that I HAVE to venture outside of myself. when i say venture, i mean challenging myself in how i self- express which will in turn, nourish my interactions with others when i choose to seek company. proceeding to create art, but trying new methods. going down youtube rabbit holes of things i am interested in so i can discover new references. cooking a meal without following a recipe and surprising myself. making the space i am in super cosy (candles, snacks on deck, music, blankets) going on long walks and picking up conversations with strangers through shared observations of life around us. watching music festivals/boiler rooms and dancing around my room like a mad man. once you feel comfortable in being by yourself, you'll be more aware of what you need from your company and when you seek it, you'll be a lot more intentional about it and cherish it even more.
Oct 7, 2024
calling all perfectly imperfect users inna london town !! on tuesday nov 19th colle is having an album release party at Sebright Arms only discovered colle today, but would describe their sound as dreamy and shoe-gazey. the lineup is looking p sweet, with chanel beads dj'ing (found out about them on pi and their new album, your day will come has been on constant repeat) any takers? think it would be nice to meet up and connect over some sweet tunes !
Nov 4, 2024