When you don’t have anything to say
Sep 28, 2024

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When I awake in my pajamas, I feel the weight of my responsibility to start the day. When I wake up fully dressed for the day, it feels as though one day never ended and another never began, and I am only casually rejoining the waking realm, as an anonymous fish tossed back into a river. Merging again into the queue that began long before I was born, that never once paused to observe an absence; ever-lengthening, ever-advancing, I have never seen the same person twice.
Nov 21, 2024
you are asking for the moon, my friend. a road trip is no time to be particularly selective about what goes into your body. road trips are for expired gas station pop tarts leaching down dry throats, bleached from the palate by overpriced mineral water and cigarettes. you will always be slightly over- or underdressed for the climate. the company will drive you up the wall at one hour or another, no matter how deeply you care for them. “not to sweet, not too dry, not too salty?” you will find that the sweet shall be sweet, the dry shall be dry, the salty shall be salty irrespective of your wishes, and this is as it should be.
Nov 13, 2024