he writes what i like to call "thoughtful sci-fi" - you could read the story that the movie arrival is based on, story of your life - another one that i liked was tower of babylon
anyway he has two books with short stories which will definitely make you think
This is the sci-fi novella that the movie Arrival is based on. It beautifully combines aliens, linguistics, questions about free will, and sad familial drama. And it's only 54 pages long! After reading, go watch Arrival. It's also amazing.
A collection of short stories by Ted Chiang including Story of Your Life which was adapted into the movie Arrival. I've only read 3 of the 8 so far (Tower of Babylon, Story of Your Life, Liking What You See: A Documentary) and they've all been great.
I made this card for my best friend’s birthday and I’m very proud of it - I drew things that remind me of her like her cats and her fav movie as well as photos of some of my fav memories together - it took so long because there were so many tiny pieces of paper to cut out but I just put on a movie and in the background and had fun crafting which was actually very relaxing
i am a stickler for being on time and by being on time i mean being 10 minutes early - i find it so disrespectful when people are consistently late because it just shows that they don’t respect my time and i don’t get the excuse that it’s just part of their personality bc if they really cared they would make an effort to change
anyway this was brought on by the fact that i missed my very expensive train bc my friends were late