i’ve been writing funny things my friends / family say in a notes document for the last 8 years and it’s always fun to go back and read through them, especially with old friends. i printed it out once and it was 30 pages front and back in times new roman 12 pt.
writing dumb little things your friends say down on paper in a little book without any context (dates allowed) to be looked back on in confusion.
always brings back tiny fun memories that would otherwise be forgotten about
When I was a teen, I used to keep a quotes journal that I would just write out quotes I liked from books I had read. Thinking I may need to bring this back. But for know have been doing this in the notes app.
So I always have some way to remember a quote or interesting fact I encounter when I’m out. Also, fun to sit on the train and try to memorize poems and quotes. I’ve banked a few away this way.
drive highway 1 with the windows down, go to carmel beach and let the wind run through your hair, when you leave you will smell like salt and eucalyptus. stop through big sur and smell the trees and the air.