anything goes with emma chamberlain - i like to listen to people rant about random shit and honestly emma rants about anything. i just put her on whenever i feel like listening to a podcast really.
the basement yard - if you want the shits and giggles for no reason :p (their youtube videos make things funnier imo)
some of these I regularly follow(*) and others are on my to-listen list:
Not Overthinking, Sociology Ruins Everything*, No Stupid Questions*, Goes Without Saying, Binchtopia!
- hope u like em :)
darkness cut with humor in deep-dives on the worst people in history: behind the bastards
light, silly, hopeful, interesting facts: dear hank and john
current events/analyzing the media: on the media
fallen ancient societies: fall of civilizations
girl talk/big sister time: not for everyone
How Long Gone is my personal fave, Chris Black & Jason Stewart riff on each other so well. The Hozier episode was great and the Phoebe Bridgers one is so good too.
Business Wars has become something I deep live into. The one I’ve enjoyed the most is their Denim Wars series on Levi’s vs Lee. It’s a lot of story telling mixed with historical details and if you like that sort of stuff you’ll find a lot to binge. Their Harley Davidson one was great too.
Powerful Truth Angels just makes me laugh.
Suggestion though: search anything or anyone that currently excites you and binge whatever you find on them. A few weeks back I went and listened to every pod I could that had Matty Matheson as a guest and it introduced me to 4-5 new pods I didn’t know about. Find a common thread and trust that it’ll lead you to new & exciting episodes and podcasts.
purpose - justin bieber
journals - justin bieber
thank u, next - ari grenade
wonder - shawn mendes
sour and guts - olivia rodrigo
swimming - mac miller
enter the wu-tang - wutang clan
all mf doom albums
99.9% - kaytranada
charm - clairo
the low end theory - tribe called quest
AND MUCH MORE….. i was gonna list alot more but obv not cuz thats too much !!