We had so much fun on websites like these when we were kids. It's really scary to think that kids don't have equivalents to these anymore because they felt so formative to our socialization. Did anyone else roleplay as a baby (pookies) and try to get adopted in the puffle shop? Club Penguin, Animal Jam, Moshi Monsters, Stardoll, Poptropica, Weeworld, and many more: may you rest in peace. - Brittany & Sameera
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i miss playing cards in the dojo, throwing snowballs at random strangers in front of the pizza store, pimping my igloo, collecting puffles and organising comrades to come to the iceberg to try and tip it over the internet used to be so cool and club penguin was one of my first intros to the metaverse as a kid my only regret in life is that i never acquired a rare puffle rip club penguin, gone but never forgotten 🥹
May 23, 2024
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i was truly a child of the internet, and chronically online, I cannot narrow it down so adding these: • poptropica • miniclip -- specifically raft wars • club penguin • neopets • moshi monsters • cartoon network games -- specifically the my gym partner is a monkey and the Billy and Mandy games • the disney website games • stardoll -- so simple but so addictive • moshi monsters • purple palace • myscene my weekends literally consisted of cycling through all these websites for hours
Oct 15, 2024
kinda basic but truly what a fun game. I dabbled in a lot of those multiplayer websites when I was wayyy too young (parents didn’t care abt internet restriction; I’m the youngest child in my fam) but this was just the best. My brother and I used to wait until midnight on holidays to see what the drops would look like. Learned vaguely about sex and bullying and surfing, as much as the website allowed at least. My friend the other day sent me a meme that had a pic of the lighthouse and I felt genuine nostalgia. When it shut down, I dabbled in the legacy ”mod” and have been thinking about getting back into it 🤔 a trip down memory lane!
Oct 14, 2024

Top Recs from @theinternetisdead

We've been reaching out to people to interview on The Internet Is Dead Podcast via cold emails. It feels like opening up a world when we connect with one new individual who we never would've met in person. The Internet has created something so significant and life-changing in the sense that most humans who you find online are available to you if you just ask for them. You never realize the impact that one friendship has until suddenly you do. Interviews include Current Joys, William Craver, Summer Mckeen, Nicole Rafiee, Lauren Brodauf, Marcus Maddox, lotsofhands, TAGBOW, Sugar Pine 7 (forthcoming), Hotline TNT (forthcoming), Horse Jumper of Love (forthcoming). - Brittany & Sameera
First question we ask is What's The Worst Thing You've Done To A Woman? Usually, some guy says he respected her too much. Then we say: Do You Believe In Karma? If they weren't hooked in before, now they are. In for the kill... Could I Get A Video Of You Meowing? Compilation video coming soon. - Brittany & Sameera