such a good documentary!!! i would've become obsesseddddd with this when i was in film school. as a music agent i'm always talking about the importance of knowing your copyright and *personality* rights as an artist, and this does a great job of highlighting that.
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Oct 3, 2024

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I am someone who is very concerned with the flow of information, the use of information, and the preservation of information, including archives. I first heard about Marion Stokes when the Internet Archive began digitising all of her tapes that she had recorded 24/7 for 35 years, and I remembered her again when someone recommended the Internet Archive's now available section of the aforementioned digitised work. I heard about this documentary on her but I only just found one that was accessible to me and I thought I'd share it. I would say more but I literally finished watching it 10 minutes ago so I am still sitting with it and thinking thoughts, as one does. My initial thoughts are that it does a pretty good job of emphasising the significance of information as access, a means for knowledge and defining how people interact with the world, my other thought is that given how this documentary focuses on Marion Stokes the person (as it should imo) I'd love to see the director do another documentary, this time with an in depth focus on the process of digitising the tapes that Marion had. But yeah it is worth the watch.
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iā€™m sure thereā€™s a doc iā€™ve seen before this one where i ā€œlearned moreā€ or whatever but at least in recent memory this one feels like an all-timer; the subject matter is interesting, the interviews are engaging, the found footage is immaculate, and the graphics feel so on-theme that you kinda forget that someone drew that, and that it wasnā€™t something akin to found footage. also just manages the tone really, really well ā€” the edit tells the story in a way that feels really intuitive and leaves you at the end with a sense of melancholy that you finished it because you just want it to keep going
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