idk why but i excelled in stats in hs and college ! here’s some tips n tricks i liked seconding the khan academy videos for help working through problems, crashcourse stats videos are great for breakdowns of different concepts and vocab. the desmos calculator (for computers) is cool. quizlet is great for remembering vocab and memorizing any formulas (if ur required to). if you have access to a free tutoring center on campus they can be really useful! talking through any concepts i wanted a better understanding of at first was so helpful unfortunately a lot of it is just practice though. try calculating things one way and then calculate it another way to make sure you’re getting the correct results, you can look up problems online or if ur using a textbook see if there are extra practice questions in it. good luck!!
Oct 3, 2024

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He’s a real good explainer. Also just don’t let all the terms F with your head, you’ll figure it out and knowing probs/stats is super useful in the real world. Good luck
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1-Actually, attend the office hours- Most professors really like to teach, and the effort to show up and show interest is greatly appreciated  2-A little bit every day, keep it consistent, getting a spot on campus where you sit down and do work is really nice (soon you will notice that the same people are around and create a community)  3-Try to relate what you are studying with what you want to do in the future, or at least something that you find interesting.  4-Be resourceful: there is always someone teaching on YouTube or extra questions online. I 5-f you don't get a concept READ THE TEXTBOOK. Most times it is very useful to build up a foundation.  6-Stop doubting that you know things, your previous knowledge is always valuable, so give the exercises a go. You know more then you think!
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being traditionally cool is really quite boring and iterative, and it’s actually very cool and sexy to geek out about something you like or share bits of knowledge on a topic you’re passionate about
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i had it for a little over a year until i was like wow this is actually terrible! i genuinely think it has negatively impacted society by ruining people’s attention spans, having a horrific algorithm, and most of all by the most mind-numbing or outright harmful trends - fake words that people now use IRL (“unalive”), trad wife tiktok, shein hauls, body-focused fitness vids that encourage fatphobia and unhealthy habits, shallow political/feminist theory and queer discourse, “alpha male” podcaster tiktok, encouraging overconsumption in general, trends ruining local spots or niche things… the list goes on
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