I'm biased because that's mostly what I do, but it's really one of the few interesting things right now. I saw somebody recreate an entire The Prodigy concert 5 or 6 years ago, alone with a single mic, acapella. Was anybody else there? Did this really happen? Did I dream it?
Oct 3, 2024

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bombay bicycle club in 2014? 2015? was blown away by how much fun they were having and how tight they were parquet courts a couple years ago were fantastic, so energetic twin peaks hands-down some of the most fun I've ever had seeing live music patti smith was iconic she kept spitting on the stage mgmt 4 the memz seeing phil elverum (mount eerie) do a solo show at a church-turned-sex-club-turned-cultural-center was maybe the most magical. the sky was glittering after that the strokes was a fulfilled childhood dream and julian casablancas is the best frontman/stand-up combo i ever witnessed four tet in the middle of a forest in bilbao was unreal
Feb 10, 2024
แ—น๊šถ๊ž† แ™กแ‹›๊—›แ™ ฤฌ ๊˜˜แ•”แ™…๊—›แ—ซ แŽฝ๊—ž๊šถ (แ™ก๊—žษŒาœ ฤฌ๊ž† แ‹›แ•”ษŒแ—ซ๊—›ษŒ, แ™แ•”าœ๊—› ฤฌ๊ž† แ—น๊—›๊ž†๊ž†๊—›ษŒ) ฤฌแ™ แ™แŽฝ แ—นิธแ•”แ™าœ แ™…๊—žแ™๊˜˜๊šถ๊•ทฤฌ๊—žแ™ (แ—ซ๊—ž ฤฌ๊ž† ๊˜˜แ•”๊•ท๊ž†๊—›ษŒ, แ™แ•”าœ๊—›๊•ท ๊šถ๊•ท ๊•ท๊ž†ษŒ๊—žแ™วค๊—›ษŒ) ฤฌ ษŒ๊—›แ•”ิธฤฌโฑฟ๊—›แ—ซ แŽฝ๊—ž๊šถ แ™ก๊—›ษŒ๊—›แ™'๊ž† แ™กษŒ๊—žแ™วค (แ™๊—žษŒ๊—› ๊ž†แ‹›แ•”แ™ ๊—›แ•“๊—›ษŒ, แ‹›๊—ž๊šถษŒ แ•”๊˜˜๊ž†๊—›ษŒ แ‹›๊—ž๊šถษŒ) ฤฌ๊ž† แ™กแ•”๊•ท แ•” แ™๊—›ษŒ๊—› ฤฌิธิธ๊šถ๊•ทฤฌ๊—žแ™ (แ™ก๊—žษŒาœ ฤฌ๊•ท แ™๊—›แ•“๊—›ษŒ ๊—žแ•“๊—›ษŒ) the robot duo's recorded lp edition of one of the most acclaimed live sets of all time oh you've NEVER felt fomo like this in literally every recording, the energy is palpable. if you had the privilege of seeing this live i'm so very happy for you (แตทuแด‰ษฅส‡ววs ษฏ'แด‰) i'm an appreciator of musical cohesion, and while that normally manifests as being a sucker for good transitions, i also love when an artist's discography has such a signature, cohesive sound that they make connections where you never would have thought to make them. that's an extremely long winded way of me saying THE MASHUPS HERE ARE INSANE. around the world/harder, better, faster, stronger is the most famous but showts OWT television rules the nation/crescendolls that part where the crowd goes nuts at the end makes me wanna cry i'd actually highly recommend looking up videos from the actual set, as not only are there differences between the album and the set, but there's differences between the different times they performed it depending on the show. happy hunting. robots 5evr
Apr 21, 2024

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Honestly, so happy I didn't listen to people calling it bootleg NYC. I think I'm speaking for all the London-pilled people who love those 50 minute bus rides on the upper deck, sightseeing basically the exact same areas every day.
Oct 3, 2024
Keeps it much more fresh. Good to have different eras, themes and genres, and weights, especially.
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It's psychoanalytic, human, cheap, powerful and beautiful. As a plus, I think the whole hippie-then-yuppie culture thing wore off as a cultural reference, basically because enough time has passed since the 60's or even 90's. So it's pretty much a fresh slate and while everybody is doing all sorts of newer drugs, or trying to be all natural, I think it's super important to come to terms with acid.
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