I know (or I hope) everyone’s already on the Imaginal Disk wave but if you’re not, catch up!!! Magdalena Bay have made the aoty (Brat hath been dethroned) and easily one of the best albums of the 2020s. Also found out we’re from the same place which makes me like them even more.
Oct 3, 2024

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Ive been following Magdalena Bay for years! Being from the same area they’re from is super cool and seeing how far they’ve taken their sound is very inspiring! Love the bigger and longer arrangements they went for, also including more rock elements was a great touch and makes the album very distinct from their other project I feel. Very excited to see where they go from here!
Oct 25, 2024
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found out about this one from my twitter oomfs when it released a few weeks back and ive been OBSESSED. super catchy cathartic uk emo, every song on this ep is an absolute banger. the riffs are awesome, the drums are powerful, the harmonies are huge, just lovelovelovelovelove. almost like an angsty, anthemic algernon cadwallader. super duper jealous they’re across the atlantic but as soon as they find their way to the states i will be doing everything in my power to see them. HIGHLY recommend, t_failz EOTY.
Nov 24, 2024
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So much great music this year! I can never pick favourites as there's so many I'd want to recommend from 2024... But: MY GOD — TAPIR! Wonderful song which addresses the strangeness of the modern world, both it's beauty and its horrors. Very cute, weird music video: https://youtu.be/xIJoRDCRcQ8 I've linked the Spotify above, as well. Absolutely fell in love with Tapir! at the end of 2023. They released their debut album as a series of EPs, with the first two at the end of the year and the final one at the end of January. I'd be picking their songs Gymnopédie or Eidolon if they came out this year... They're a wonderful live act as well — seen them in various forms (solo set from the singer, intimate set in the back room of a pub, and grandiose theatre piece with choir, props, and dancers) and each has been a very special experience.
Dec 30, 2024

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I keep a scent (currently commodity milk; I fear there’s a chill in the air) by my bed and smell it right after my alarm sounds. It puts me in a good mood and wakes up my senses. Makes getting ready in the morning so much easier, and sets the tone for my day!
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