I received hateful messages from Zionists about my pro-Palestine post on here. Israel is the land of genocide, ethnic cleansing and apartheid. Full stop. There is nothing in this universe that justifies what the Palestinian people have endured at the hands of Zionists for decades. Fuck your apathy towards Palestinian lives. Fuck being a devil's advocate for the sake of colonization.
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Oct 7, 2024

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How fucked up to receive so much shit for standing up for what is right! The fact of "who were there first" does not matter to me when a government is commiting a genocide. How fucked up is that. As if some kind of divine right to a land would justify the murder of an entire population. It is so twisted. The notion of an ethnic state is a political construct, no country is inhabited by only one population. Free palestine!!!!
Oct 14, 2024
Zionism is white supremacy and settler colonialism 🗣️
Oct 14, 2024
Free palestine but also respect Israel they were there 1000s of years ago it’s not colonization like USA where u live
Oct 14, 2024
bronxboy what would happen if everyone was able to reinhabit land that their ancestors lives in thousands of years ago?
Oct 14, 2024
bronxboy In historical Palestine — before the establishment of the Israeli state and the Zionist occupation — people of all Abrahamic religious lived together. Jews, Muslims, Christians, and areligious people, all in the country of Palestine. Harmoniously. Palestine was never "a land without a people" and the "people" in Palestine never excluded Jews. Western media is very biased on this issue and isn't reporting reality, and is full of Zionist propaganda. Some helpful sources — "The Nakba didn't start or end in 1948" (https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2017/5/23/the-nakba-did-not-start-or-end-in-1948) and anything by Ilan Pappé or Gabor Mate (both former Zionists with clarifying perspectives on the Israel/Palestine question). In the words of Ilan Pappé, the goal is a free Palestine — "A de-zionised, liberated and democratic Palestine from the river to the sea; a Palestine that will welcome back the refugees and build a society that does not discriminate on the basis of culture, religion or ethnicity." Palestinians don't even have the right of return. Ethnostates and apartheid are not the way.
Oct 14, 2024
continue to be vocal. The zionist agenda is built on suppression & fear. we will witness the fall of this terror state. we will continue to bear witness and honor the lives of those lost in a genocide that ravages on. we will continue to hold those who reject the horrors inflicted on the Palestinian people accountable for their inaction and ignorance. Palestine will be free!
Oct 8, 2024
caffy palestine will be free in our lifetimes!
Oct 8, 2024

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