gemini sun (indecisive, a little wonked in the head), libra rising (but free), capricorn moon (but not), gemini mercury (donā€™t make me repeat myself or say ignorant shit to me), taurus venus (lover girl at odds with everything else in my chart), gemini mars (completes my gemini stellium. this should tie up all the loose ends.) i subscribe to the belief that astrology plays a part in our lives but shouldnā€™t run the sense that it gives you the framework to understand yourself and your potential better/can introduce you to cycles you may need to continue or break etcā€¦all in all, i think it can be a tool/plan to help you realize your fully actualized self/how you could be at your strongest in this life.
Oct 9, 2024

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Plus, a Sagittarius and Aquarius stellium, respectively. What this means about me/how I interpret these placements: My sag stellium, including my sun sign, means that I am most often exuding characteristics of sagittarius. I identify with the headstrong, flighty, creative, confident side of this sign. My capricorn rising is how others see me, also very headstrong, determined, goal-oriented which given the amount I work and how focused I am on my career at this stage of life, makes a lot of sense. My cancer moon placement means that while iā€™m seen through these go-getter energetic signs, my true nature behind the scenes is a very introspective and tired one. I need ample time alone to recharge and am ruled in action by my emotions. I cry a lot and I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything wrong with that! Granted, all of this to say I donā€™t think of astrology as my north star, but rather a set of characteristics I choose to relate to. I pick and choose what fits me, and I think everyone should. Same goes for human design, Iā€™m a projector and I choose what aspects of that modality I relate to, I donā€™t allow these formulas to rule me.
Aug 16, 2024
my entire chart is dominated by Capricorn & Scorpio. Sun - Capricorn He is honest, reserved, circumspect, honorable, and strong-willed. He takes an interest in different cultures or has a spiritual side. He believes that things will work out and in spiritual protection. It comes easily and naturally for others to receive you well. There is a distinct air of authority and benevolence surrounding you. The authority you project typically doesn't offend others, primarily because people sense your sincerity simultaneously.Ā  Moon - Scorpio Their deep-seated need for transformation and rebirth can manifest itself in the lives of Lunar Scorpios in different ways. Most have powerful, emotionally intense lives. Some feel like it is beyond their control -- these natives seem to attract emotional upheaval, and their lives appear to consist of plenty of dramatic ups and downs.Ā  Partnership is important for him, for better or for worse. He works well in business relationships, especially partnerships, and can be a great mediator, counselor, and harmonizer. He is balanced, the voice of reason, peace-loving, fair, and just. You can make an excellent mediator and go-between. You are keenly aware of your need for relationships and for intimacy. You have a well-developed respect for qualities typically associated with the feminine. People appreciate you for your tender heart and friendly, diplomatic disposition. Mercury - Capricorn He is intelligent and speaks easily and cogently. You are good with language, and generally use this talent in your profession. You can have an authoritative air about you, or you are talented at communicating and negotiating with those in authority. Venus - Scorpio Sensual and passionate. Passions run hot and cold. Full of ardor and desire where the partner needs to be able to match his level. He has good taste, an affectionate nature, his love is warm and deep, based on intellectual understanding and common tastes. Mars - Scorpio These people make formidable opponents, although often quietly so. You can be particularly good at mediating, counseling, troubleshooting, debate, politics, or law. Rising - Taurus Although Taurus rising individuals value harmony and calm, their partnerships may be on the passionate side. Taurus rising natives are often very comforting to be around. They have a stability about them that is soothing, and an inner harmony that is attractive.Ā  just copy and pasted shit from the website, dont expect you to read all that
Oct 10, 2024
sun: capricorn moon: taurus rising: libra venus: capricorn mercury: sagittarius mars: libra i have difficulty w my mercury in sag bc what am i saying ever!! however i <3 my big three
Oct 10, 2024

Top Recs from @deardoveswings

liking ur rec = saying hi when we go to get our morning papers from the end of our driveways (picture me doing so tony soprano style)
Aug 12, 2024
started writing this a few hours ago when i first saw this ask, then decided against posting but i've since changed my mind. there really is no justification for it outside of entitlement. even from a selfish lens, there's no long term benefit to its usage. it harms the world and culture in more ways than one. a.) the water and energy usage that isn't a secret at this point. "no ethical consumption under capitalism" yadda yadda and yeah corporations are extremely culpable in the state of the environment but there really is no need for chatgpt and the planet is already too delicate at the moment. b.) the exploitation of workers in the global south. this program is not just a computer figuring it all out, there are in fact humans behind it. it reminds me of the acceptance of fast fashion and how people have the tendency to divorce the idea of the garment worker from the garment they wear when all clothing is handmade in some way, shape or form. you need hands to man a sewing machine, you need human eyes to moderate content. also, content moderation can be a thankless job with psychological repercussions. c.) the erosion of social skills, humanity and media literacy...this one is very personal. like, you have a cushy email job but can't write an email? you need a computer and a worker in kenya to get paid a dollar an hour to figure out a daily routine for you? i've seen the program churn out blatantly incorrect information. fine tuning a prompt or chat or whatever to give you the exact (possibly incorrect) answer you need isn't really that much less work than sharpening your research skills by cracking open a dictionary or using boolean search keys in google. again, the main issue with this kind of stuff is the entitlement to convenience, with no thought towards the repercussions within and outside of us. we are losing major recipes (critical thinking and media literacy) here, people! i probably did an iffy job are coherently articulating my thoughts here but i am in fact, human. and thatā€™s the beauty of it all.
Oct 1, 2024