1) it’s an instant top 4 film anyway so going to see it is a good idea period 2) it’s a great first date film because the after-film discussion is an immediate test as to how they feel about the patriarchy/beauty standards/aging/shellfish
Oct 9, 2024

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i heard that Ari Aster described this movie as if the Cheesecake Factory were a movie, aesthetically, which i fully agree with. - go into it with an open mind, and let the philosophical implications soak into your brain, let it marinate for weeks after and i think you will come out impacted in a significant way. - please don’t let its raunchiness and inappropriate situations scare you away, they are in there for a reason and require critical thinking and understanding of humanity and gender. - final suggestion avoid social media discourse about this because after all, representation ≠ endorsement!
Jan 23, 2024
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Some of my favorite movie-going experiences weren’t ones I was looking forward to for months but ones where a friend had an extra ticket or someone said “you would like this” and I went in totally blind. Specifically, last night I saw “Ash Is Purest White” followed by a q&a with director Jia Zhangke. A great film with an absolutely knock out lead performance by Zhao Tao. I didn’t know any of these names before last night. Take a chance!
Nov 14, 2024
if they don’t have this, it just needs to be a movie i’ve seen before that i know has no weird sex scenes in it so the person sitting next to me won’t judge me
Jul 15, 2024

Top Recs from @evet

My friends would say that my type is medium ugly but truly I go for kindness over anything, and have no physical type - it’s all about kindness and understanding. If someone makes me feel comfortable in their company by being patient and non-judgmental, and being emotionally open and communicative, then i am way more likely to be attracted to them - kindness is what’s sexy to me, nothing to do with actual looks. Remember, sexy is subjective. e.g, abs on a man do nothing for me, I’d much rather a dad bod even on a physical only level. Beauty standards are made up and strange. And often times, it’s charisma, humour and kindness that make me feel that someone has sexy energy.
Oct 12, 2024
enough said
Oct 9, 2024