Aye sometimes it’s cool to have a real rap talk with yourself. You’re not crazy, it’s healthy. Sometimes you gotta remind yourself that you’re you and ain’t nobody fucking with you. You the shit, toilet and the sewage system. Gotta be your own cheerleader and hype yourself up.
Oct 10, 2024

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I was talking to someone who was feeling self-conscious and worried that people wouldn’t like him, so I said to him, “If you’re true to yourself, the right people will love you.” Now I say it to myself all the time because it’s true!
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Aug 27, 2024

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I just want to show love to the ELITE Bagel. Whoever was the freak that was like “hear me out let’s put blueberry’s in the dough”, I know they were looking at you crazy but you knew you had a hit on your hands.
Mar 3, 2025
Bruh who came up with this phrase? It’s so funny. Idk why but that shit is amazing. Been saying it for years just to throw people off. We need to bring back goofy ass phrases man.
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Love it with your chest puffed out. if you fuck with it then say that. I’ve been bumping that new Kacey Musgraves like it’s 09 Gucci with the windows down all week.
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