A heartbreaking firsthand account of a Palestinian village's non-violent struggles against the forceful takeover of their land ~2010. I teared up several times during this one, and I think everyone should see it.
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Oct 11, 2024

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here are some favorites off the top of my head.. Zabardast: i'm partial to climbing/expedition docs, but this one is especially good. a travel diary of a group of voyagers exploring the remote lands of Pakistan to freeride ski down its mountains. Night Fog: very heartbreaking look at WWII concentration camps Dark Days: documents the lives of the homeless people living in the tunnels underneath New York City, without being intrusive or voyeuristic Don't Look Back: self-explanatory (Minnesota's sweetheart)
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This is my go-to "comfort watch" documentary. While I think part of that is having watched it so many times, there is a super casual tone to the movie that I think lends it to be a relaxed watch. The subject material and imagery does border on the disturbing at times, but there is something so...quaint (?) about the subjects of the doc that I've always been just fascinated by them. CW: religious trauma, homophobia, discussions about reproductive rights, spiritual abuse If any of these are triggers, I do NOT recommend watching this movie. Some of the children featured in this movie have been able to escape their upbringing but it definitely is kinda scary watching get brainwashed by these adults.
Jul 17, 2024

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