it’s just freshly juiced carrots, ginger, parsley, lemon & apples……… actually phenomenal. divine even
close runner ups are 100% mandarin juice and also the lemon, ginger & honey flavoured apple juice they sell in new zealand!!!! bonkers scrummy
blessing in disguise. if u arent pissing them off u arent doing it right!
not worth acting like a fool cuz u wanna be liked. you’ll find your people when u live in authenticity. everything in alignment!! trust!!!
I’m making the kind of deals diplomats can only dream of on this goddamn game. They need to hire me at the UN to negotiate US-N Korea relations the way I’m bargaining between kpop and hiphop fandoms.
Game is called Soundmap. Add me as a friend! 🗣️
good for ur brain and u can seem cool and mysterious when someone asks if youve seen the newest trend.
ive been off the stuff two years… it might have permanently damaged my brain… but im free!! 🦅