I hated my name as a kid, because it was so "weird" to everyone. I hated it because the combination of having a unique name on top of looking different was hell to painfully shy me.
Tatiana is a Russian name. Haven't gotten my dna tested but as far as I know I'm not Russian. I've gotten a myriad of nicknames throughout my life (I do not count thotiana, that year was awful) including Tots, Tat, and T, but my favorite has always been Tati.
Everyone has always told me it's a beautiful name. After years of hearing that, I am much more okay with people using it, and sometimes prefer it over impersonal pronouns.
I still can't seem to get over the fact that my dad named me, and the fact that this name was his ex's name.. and for that I keep considering asking everyone to call me by my middle name.