I didnā€™t know how to kiss normally. She went in with a French kiss, an ungodly amount of tongue but, I can now tell we were both very nervous and didn't know properly what to do. We were in a cinema and her mates were sat a few rows away but kept looking over to see if we were kissing yet. Coincidentally, we were watching Fast & Furious 7 just after Paul walker had passed- she went to kiss me at the final farewell scene and I genuinely told her to stop & have some respect LMAOOOOOO. I was an awkward kid man, bless her.
Oct 16, 2024

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My first kiss was with my prom date when I was 18. The lead-up to prom had been somewhat stressful, because her mom was slightly homophobic and very overprotective, so we weren't able to get prom pictures together with the group. We were able to sit next to each other at the pre-prom dinner and slow dance that night, though! After the dance, we were both waiting awkwardly in the lobby for our rides. She said something that alluded to the fact that she wanted to kiss me. Unfortunately, I was completely oblivious, so I didn't catch the hint. I excused myself to use the bathroom and told her I'd be right back. It was only after I'd hiked up my prom dress and was mid-pee that it clicked in my head. I finished up and came back out going "Oh my God, I'm so sorry, I just understood what you said earlier and yes, please do!" It ended up only being a quick peck on the lips because I was terrified of intimacy. That was the first time I'd ever been kissed on the lips, so it was still very sweet and significant to me. I didn't do anything more than a peck until I was 22, so I'm still hoping to progress in that area!
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Oct 16, 2024
my first kiss was at 18 with my ex. he was the tallest person i'd ever met in my life. the art building had mildewy carpet and the lights were all going out, one by one. i wasn't really supposed to be in there; i was an english major. when c kissed me i thought i would only ever kiss one person for the rest of my life, and that person was him. even though i am sure i was super bad at it and didn't know what to do with my tongue, i think i am pretty good at kissing now, though it would probably be in my best interest to ask people to participate in a survey of some sort. 1) when did we kiss 2) can u describe anything i did while kissing 3) did my breath smell okay 4) would u kiss me again 5) how long did we kiss for / why did we stop 6) how would u rate me on a scale of most memorable kisses vs. least memorable 7) if there were anything u would change about the experience what would it be and why
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every time I give this a relisten Iā€™m always shocked by how consistently great it is as an album. Obviously, ā€œThe Idiotā€ gets a tonne of praise and deservedly so, and even though this album helms a lot of Iggy Popā€™s most popular singles, I never see people talking about it as an album and what it does brilliantly. even with ā€œThe Idiotā€, Iggy Pop was very much performing under David Bowie wing and environment- a lot of dark and brooding electronics and atmosphere which complimented Iggy well but, here he is definitively Iggy Pop. I think people forget that ā€œpunkā€ music (which Iggy hated the label of) doesnā€™t necessarily fall into a genre, more so an attitude of performance. This is proved time and time again in this album, as Iggy covers styles of hard rock, blues rock, ballads and soul- all unmistakably polished with a punk edge. Punk isnā€™t the music you play, just how you play it (at least I think so), and itā€™s so obvious that Iggy and the band just had a blast recording and performing this, they donā€™t take themselves seriously, if anything, poking fun at the restrictions of rock and pop songwriting in the process. Yet, the album never feels like itā€™s smarter than you, itā€™s inviting you in to feel the excitement. Such a blast of a record, if you need a pick-me-up like I did today, give this a whirl!
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Been a very slow year with not much acting work at all but, last year I managed to get a line of dialogue in the last season of house of the dragon, and also filmed two seasons of a kids show for the BBC. Iā€™m happy I stuck with this wish, even if itā€™s painful to continue pursuing it sometimes :)
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