my recs in YouTube are spoiled with rpdr and kpop vids, but i still keeping track of new videos on some of my favorite channels DamiLee channel is one of them, i like her videos so much! She is talking about architecture, and always sharing a lot of interesting information and giving ideas to think about. I personally like her video about different architecture in movies, the one where she discussed the design of prisons, and the new one about bunkers and living in the post apocalyptic world
Oct 21, 2024

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Kendra makes videos "about architecture in pop culture and how it connects to the places we live" that are funny and informative. They also often lead me to going down my own rabbit holes far beyond the videos, which I think is a good sign of their quality. Right before graduating highschool my english teacher decided to take our class on a walk around the neighborhood to identify architectural features on the buildings nearby. I've always moved around a lot and always had terrible landlords. I couldn't let myself understand why other people got so attached to houses. I saw it as naivety. That walk let me loosen my grip on that notion and be more open to learning about my surroundings, even if I know they'll change. Kendra's videos are like that walk in laid-back video form, with sources and pop-culture as a fun jumping off point!
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Hey! There are actually a lot of platforms where you can build your site without knowing HTML/CSS. Some of them i've already tested, some just planning to do, but i will list here all of them so you can choose the one that will suit your goals better 1 — Framer Basically it's like figma, but for websites 2 — Readymag A lot of templates for different sites, but with some bugs. 3 — Cargo Good if like brutalist websites 4 — Mmm Simple tool for one page websites 5 — Ctrl Haven't tried yet, but they seem nice 6 — Webflow This one is a little harder than the previous ones, but maybe one day you would want to try something like that! Good luck with creating your site!
Jul 30, 2024
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i'm a designer and i only want to do things that are not boring, so i only was able to learn p5js and processing) it's basically about making pictures (maybe even simple animations/interactive things) with code. For example, i've animated these circles to move and look like a beer foam. If you want to learn things like that, you can watch p5js course from The Coding Train on Youtube, its very simple and exciting, and the teacher is so goofy and hilarious that you will fall in love with him (and with coding) immediately :) Hope this helps <3
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