Trite bit true! Consider the people you think are cool. I bet they aren’t doing the same thing as everyone else.
Oct 22, 2024

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you’re right, it is the work of your 20s (and 30s…..and 40s….) to figure out what “cool” means and how to embody that for yourself. you’re right on schedule! I highly recommend taking the search offline almost entirely + not forcing it. think about the coolest people you actually know in person. what traits of theirs classify them this way? the more you start looking for traits you admire in the people around you, the more you’ll find yourself weaving your version of that into your life. we’re all tapestries of the people that have made us. also, you write: “i often feel far more fixated on appearing “correctly” than most” -- feelings are not facts and I can assure you that everyone else is also just as internally focused. start looking for the ways you ARE connected and similar or even the exact same as the people around you — social cohesion is the key to being cool, and there are always more similarities to be found.
Nov 18, 2024
an amazing thing about the dichotomy of attention whores is ur so in the moment abt being odd that u r making real memories for ur future self but also the self that says i enjoy the eyes and then u can look back at ur memories and know u were doing for the simulacra of screens but the simple enjoyment of those passing by- an to be a clown. to live the life of the jest u gotta commit to the bit, the bit by bit of our flesh and bones which means to mean i am saying, really being cool being a dynamic verb not a stative verb is the vibe.
Sep 17, 2024
just from a quick browse of your page i can already disprove your claim about not being into cool music. how can you like bjork, samia, and velvet underground and say you don't have taste? maybe you just hang out with so many other cool people with interesting music palates so it seems normalized to you, but that just means you're someone who surrounds yourself with interesting and like-minded folks! instead of focusing on external factors - how someone might perceive you, how you think you compare, why someone might or might not like you, focus on what you like doing, what excites you and motivates you, and people who resonate with how you do you will naturally gravitate towards the things you might share. if you think you're lame, you'll feel lame, and then you'll act lame. it's a feedback loop. when you do the things you think are cool regardless of what anyone else might have to say about it you will become cooler because you're actually just being yourself
Feb 19, 2024

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