i am not someone who can pick up and read one book at a time, i am usually reading 3-4 at various paces. currently iā€™m reading 1 nonfiction book, 1 fiction ebook, 1 poetry book, and iā€™m actually also reading a graphic novel too! having at least one ebook means i can read when i want to in public (ie transit) even if i donā€™t have a physical book on me and of any physical copies iā€™m reading, at least one must be paperback so i can toss it in my bag poetry books (and graphic novels but i read those less) are quicker reads for me so they help me if i get into a slump with the other books, and i have the freedom of choosing between fiction and nonfiction depending on the vibes of the day lol
Oct 22, 2024

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