Derek Thompson published a great piece called “Why Americans Suddenly Stopped Hanging Out“ in The Atlantic last month. He notes that Americans, particularly young people, hang out about 35 percent less than they did 20 years ago because we have less rituals and customs pulling on our time, all the while screens are pulling on our time more (also the disappearance of the “third space”).
Like a majority of us, i’m addicted to my phone. A couple weeks ago I was fortunate enough to go on a week long canoe trip down the Rio Grande with 9 of my close friends, and was reminded of the beauty of completely unfiltered face-time with people I care about.
I love to spend my free time outdoors for several reasons, but quality time with loved ones is chiefly among them - especially given that it feels increasingly difficult to spend meaningful time with one another.
Even if you hate camping, let’s all try to hang out more.