There's no greater feeling of relief than when you're driving to an address for the first time, and the house number is legibly displayed on the mailbox or the front of the building, no matter the font choice. tbh it's wild that this crucial piece of infrastructure signage is left unregulated and up to individuals and that it may or may not even be required.
long trip, short trip, doesn’t matter. Seeing signs for your city, signs for your street, the sign for your block. Number on the curb, above the garage. Home.
Is there anything sweeter than seeing the green and white lamp of a subway entrance, or highway exit number that’s your exit, or any other landmark you know like the back of your hand because seeing it means you’re just one turn away from being home? No there is not!
Road signs in New Jersey are unnecessarily cute. Makes my day every time I see a new one. I heard that the Federal Highway Administration is trying to ban these types of signs, so I’m treasuring them while they last.
We're long overdue in thrusting "What do you do?" into the sea forever. It's time we collectively get down to what people are interested in instead of minimizing their vibrant existence by asking how they make money.