i highly recommend keeping tabs on your local birds (and depending on your squirrels, squirrels)! i have been trying for weeks to get some of my cardinal neighbors to notice the bird feeder i have set up for them.. it’s fun but somewhat brutal to watch them ignore it but i can tell that any day now they will trust and enjoy my gift
formed a solid friendship with the squirrel in the backyard- I give him a walnut or two and he sits on a table or the window and enjoys it while I sip on coffee, he always makes sure I see him too, he’s kind of the best
sometimes i kinda forget sometimes that phone calls aren't just for family, call your friends! text catch ups suck and it’s so nice to hear the voice of your buddies
get yourself some nice soft pajamas! keep them clean and roll on some cozy vanilla scents while you’re winding down for the evening. makes for a very relaxing and sweet way to set your sleepy intentions🌙