this whole album's story is distrubing but this song especially. first time i listened to it i got jumpscared. honorable mention, sun bleached flies of the same album. that song put the fear of god in me
lyrics that give me goosebumps:
"even the iron still fears the rot"
"and i spend my life watching it go by from the sidelines"
the beginning part of "perverts" when the choir is singing the distorted version of "nearer my god to thee"
the violin crescendo at the end of "sunbleached flies" when she sings "if its meant to be then it will be"
Singing about the kind of blues I could have or do have, strangely makes me feel better. Also, the video shot in Iceland, reminds me of the deranged penguin clip, which to me is peak humour.
shoe gaze-y sludge metal-ish noise rock, love them. some of the most unique and haunting vocals i’ve ever heard. the whole album is great but this song is on a lot of my playlists. gives me chills