Itā€™s so possible to learn on yr own!! I think that balance is nice if you can afford it. A teacher can help u interrupt poor technique that could slow u down or hurt yr body. the way i learned to fingerpick and travis pick uses some silly techniques that now slow me down when doing more technical things, and relearning has been v slow. Being self led let me have independence and explore the joy of guitar by myself without getting bogged down by boring beginner stuff. I loved just playing cool shit through sheer willpower in my basement. The internet has EVERYTHING u need to learn how to play guitar and u can definitely do it. there are threads to learn techniques, get feedback and eventually youā€™ll also learn from yr jam buddies :) working with a teacher meant i could tab out all my fav obscure songs that donā€™t have tabs available online, keep me accountable to practicing and he pushed me to learn ā€œboringā€ things like music theory in a way that is so much fun! but not necessary at all. i was self taught for 6 years before i went to a teacher :)

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Iā€™ve learned almost everything I know from a book (checking out library books for my hobbies) but also YouTube and friends.books and friends are nice when I feel simply overwhelmed with how much information exists on the internet about how to do literally anyrhing YouTube can help you with sillypractical skillsā€¦ learning how to unjam my lock, unclog my drains, etc etc For other skills, befriend older ppl or friends that ā€œhave their shit togetherā€ Most friends are happy to teach you something or even walk alongside you while you do taxes, apartment hunt, or cook a steak :) i love when my friends teach me stuff And b patient with yourself. You canā€™t know everything and youā€™re not gonna learn it all overnight. Take small steps and stay learnin šŸ«”
like holy sh*t. there's so much to learn. and you can teach yourself? just by fucking around? and figuring shit out?? wtf???? how is that even possible! that's so cool!!! and when someone wants to teach you something.... wowwww..... so dreamy.....!! learning: ( ɵĢ„Ģ„ Ė‘Ģ« ɵĢ„Ģ„)
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