i know it’s dinner and a movie but I like going to earlier screenings - then i have the time to debrief and analyse while the movie’s still warm and fresh in my head during dinner or drinks.
not your phone camera but a digital camera talking about everything from breakfast to the overwhelming feelings you have. basically a digital diary
it's very freeing, I find, and less pressure than writing
there's just something about smaller channels it feels so personal.
some of my favourites
flowlotl - https://www.youtube.com/@flowlotl
Ugh, As If! (Contemporary Art Podcast) - https://www.youtube.com/@ugh-asif.artpod
shawn mccomb - https://www.youtube.com/@shawnmccomb
JESYCU - https://www.youtube.com/@JESYCU
Léa Faye - https://www.youtube.com/@leafaye11
nathan's nook - https://www.youtube.com/@nathansnook
ohnobea - https://www.youtube.com/@ohnobea
estherdaze - https://www.youtube.com/@estherdaze
death by thrifting - https://www.youtube.com/@deathbythrifting
Crystal - https://www.youtube.com/@888_crystal
and mine (alerocatherine) but maybe im biased https://www.youtube.com/@alerocatherine