why not have fun? and they are so funny to answer if you are a fun person… especially if it’s like not busy at your work and the person actually has a funny little joke
can we normalize silly light hearted prank calling, i don't care if it's "immature" it can be such a fun time... also it can be soo wholesome and DOESN'T have to ruin someones day (weird youtube pranksters take notes). i love prank calling!
I love messing around. It’s how I show love, hands free. Best way to make friends is playing around with the boundaries of normal social conduct on them. I come from a long line of prankster’s so I think it’s just sewn into my dna. I’ve been pranking one of my close friends for months now. I’m starting to freak out he’s going to be offended when he finds out but due to technical details it’s too late to stop. Anyway, here is one of my favorite prank calls in history. He get’s so riled up this guy haha. The amazing thing about Longmont Potion Castle is his ability to keep people on the line. Stamina like that is rare in this field. My favorite part of it is right at 5 minutes in.
they are so fun and i personally love mine. i have pins, my own drawings, postcards, pictures, tickets, etc. its truly a piece of artwork at this point.