After Zac Brettler mysteriously plummeted into the Thames, his grieving parents discovered that he’d been posing as an oligarch’s son. Would the police help them solve the puzzle of his death?
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Oct 30, 2024

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I don’t read as much as I should, but I bought the Zodiac book by Robert Graysmith a while back and recently during this latest lockdown I have been making my way through that. True crime is lame as hell, and does nothing for me but this is interesting. And dark AF!David Fincher made a film a few years back aswell tarring the god Jake Gyllenhall, aswell as a host of other big names, which I would also thoroughly recommend. Its kinda longer than anything I would normally choose to watch these days, but my attention span lasted which means its worth it.
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This past week, I went to Cape Cod for vacation. The airbnb we stayed at was filled wall to wall with books of all sorts. Over the door, up the staircases, and in all the rooms, there were books stashed about boat racing, insect catching, antique grandfather clocks, a professional mixers menu from the 50s, and so so many more. Naturally, I couldn’t help myself but take this environment and do with it what I do best - escape into a Christie novel. This time I chose Murder on the Links. An easy to read Poirot mystery with several twists and turns, with a satisfying (if not sort of predictable) ending. After that, I finally dove into my first Camus, The Stranger. I expected this read to require more effort, as many classics so frequently brought up in psychological and philosophical discussions do, but it was such beautifully smooth read. The story was linear, the characters straightforward, and all very easily ingestible. It’s amazing to me such a simple book could have so much to say, but it really does and does it so well.
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