If you have a Nintendo Online Membership. Run to the app store right now. Nintendo has released their own Spotify, and thank fucking god. Do you know how terrible it is to stream low quality rips from YouTube? The fact that this is the first time Nintendo is releasing their own recorded music (and at this high quality) is something Iā€™d never thought Iā€™d ever see with my own eyes. But if they were, of course it would be through a paid streaming service. I can only dream of owning a record of the Wii Sports Resort album :( Also not everything is on there yet, but enough to suffice. So if youā€™re awaiting songs from Donkey Kong Country Jungle Beat, join the crowd. You can at least listen to the Bath theme from Nintendogs and put it on an hour loop, like me!
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Oct 31, 2024

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itā€™s like spotify but with nintendo soundtracks!! donā€™t know if i would pay for it (they donā€™t even have all soundtracks) (justice for animal crossing new leaf) BUT they have a 7 day free trial!!!
Nov 5, 2024
I mean, if you own an iPhone, thereā€™s no fucking reason to use Spotify. Let me explain: On the Spotify front: - Spotify pays LESS to artists. Whether theyā€˜re Taylor Swift or someone with 10 Monthly Listeners, they pay a MUCH LOWER rate than any other streaming platform - Spotify is also just a platform to flex with fame and notoriety: you can see how many plays, how many monthly listeners, how many followers each artist has. You can even buy merch and tour tickets (thatā€™s kind of the only cool thing they got going on rn tbh) - Spotify doesnā€™t roll out their Organic Promo Features to all artists. Again, if you are Taylor Swift, youā€™ll get all the perks, but if youā€™re just starting you wonā€™t be able to do shit besides having your music there. Ex. indie artists donā€™t have access to Countdowns, Clips, Paid Promo Tools, etc. - Since last month, Spotify passed a rule in their company to NOT PAY ARTISTS WITH SONGS WITH LESS THAN 1000 STREAMS. This is BULLSHIT. And adding to that, you CANT SEE DATA from less than 1K played content now: since theyā€™re not paying you, you canā€™t know how your music is doing. Which again, is BULLSHIT. - The playlists are all over the place, tainted by modern day Payola (Submit hub, Groover and such) and editorial playlists ran by RANDOM ASS PEOPLE that do not make music or know about music at all. They work on a ā€œVibesā€ basis for their editorial playlists, which suck because thatā€™s the only way to grow in the platform as an emergent artist. - They advertise A LOT: it doesnā€™t matter if you have premium, that weird random song/artists that you got suggested, well, they PAID for that. - Talking about advertising your music on Spotify: you CANT advertise unless you have 1K monthly listeners already. And when you have them and advertise from your Spotify for Artists account, those campaigns have probably THE WORST OUTCOME Iā€™ve ever seen in years working with online and social media advertising. Itā€™s SO FUCKING EXPENSIVE AND DOESNT DO SHIT FOR YOUR ARTIST CAREER or exposure. - Spotify does this thing called ā€œNormalizationā€ which is basically further compressing the songs that are already mastered by the artist. In English, they have a threshold to fulfill and they will get the volume of your song to the levels theyā€™re looking for to have in the platform, NOT YOUR MASTER and the decitions artists made when post producing their songs. - Also, their interface is ugly af. Hate the green and black. On the Apple Music front: - If you own an iPhone, it literally just makes sense to pay for AppleOne and have Music, AppleTV+ and your iCloud all in one bill. Money wise, it make sense. - I LOVE the fact that AppleMusic DOESNā€™T SHOW NUMBERS BECAUSE ITā€™S A MUSIC LIBRARY, NOT THE BILLBOARD CHARTS. If I want to know how many plays did any song/EP/album/artists has, I will see the charts, not my own music library. Because mainly I donā€™t listen/search for music because of the amount of times theyā€™ve been played. - Audio Quality: if you have a good Soundsystem at home, or good quality headphones or any of the Apple earphones/headphones itā€™s just plain better. - It works with Siri!!!! My girl knows me, she knows what I listen to. I have a HomePod Mini and itā€™s the best thing because I just ask for a song/artist/vibe/radio/playlist and sheā€™ll do it for me. This also works on my Airpods while Iā€™m walking. - The interface is cute and the animations, lyrics and bios are fucking cool and not ugly - They pay a HIGHER RATE per song than Spotify. Iā€™ve noticed the HUGE difference when Spotify payed my $2 for what AppleMusic paid my $12 - Playlists and suggestions are linked to your phone use so, it will be better than Spotify no matter what. - Zane Lowe!!!!! So yeah, thats my lengthy recommendation for today.
Apr 30, 2024
I've never paid for Spotify. I started with Grooveshark (as dubious as LimeWire) and moved onto Rdio before it was slaughtered by Spotify when it launched in the united states. I'll never forgive that. Pandora - Yes, it still exists. Yes, it's radio stations are still far better than any other streaming services. I pay for ad-free stations and use these for music discovery. I listen to stations or full albums. I don't give a fuck about playlists. Bandcamp - This is where I buy digital albums when I can (iTunes/Apple Music when I can't). Bandcamp allows you to stream songs a few times for free before asking you to pay so I preview albums with this service a lot. You can download music you buy to the Bandcamp app on your phone, but you'll need to download on a PC and transfer to your phone if you want the files in the stock music app (I believe that's only an iPhone limitation) iTunes is still a thing but called the Apple Music App now. It supports all its old functions but kinda worse all around because it pushes an Apple Music subscription at every turn. Like seiji points out, you can "turn off" Apple Music (streaming) and use the iOS and MacOS Apple Music app as just an MP3 player. It's almost old school iTunes with all the playlist creating tools you could want. Yes, you can still rip CDs! As long as you have a CD reader... Longplay - MP3 player app for iOS that only allows you to listen to albums in full. No picking and choosing tracks! I almost exclusively use this for listening to music downloaded to my phone. Vox - Minimal music player for Mac and iOS that also plays lossless audio codecs. Feels like iTunes with all the bloat stripped out. It's completely free. They have a premium subscription that will sync your collection to the cloud (but they don't shove it down your throat). Also supports Last.fm scrobbling.
Jul 29, 2024

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