i love gore and blood and guts and i love weird bodily transformations and cool practical effects and most importantly i love fucked up freak shit. i also love when a piece of art makes me feel a little sick and uncomfortable in my own skin, inducing a bodily response is a high honor for something simply happening on a screen.
i also feel particularly seen by the genre - it seems like there's a body horror movie for nearly every aspect of the discomfort i feel with my own body and how it relates to my place as a woman (anything fargeat, anything ducournau, swallow (2019), ginger snaps (2000), blue my mind (2018), dans ma peau (2002)... i'm definitely forgetting some) so i find these films very cathartic and special
david cronenberg is the king of this genre, so if you're not super familiar with it, start with him.. videodrome (1983) is my favorite!!