okay so it’s maybe not the Best Movie i’ve seen in theaters but it was the best theater experience i’ve had. i went with some friends and i was completely enthralled. it felt like i couldn’t hide or turn away. there’s a moment where the question “what’s your name?” hangs in the air and i nearly answered
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Oct 31, 2024

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Maybe not *the best* but it was certainly one of the more enjoyable movie theater experiences I’ve had. December 2019, went to a 6pm weekday showing on a whim after a friend called me to see if I could go. I knew next to nothing about the plot, didn’t realize the whole thing would be in black and white and screened in an almost-square aspect ratio, yet was enthralled for every second of it. Turned out to be the last movie I saw in theaters pre-pandemic.
Oct 31, 2024
one of my favorite experiences cause i saw it in a really small, mostly empty theater with 3 of my college friends and i just had no idea what i was going into, just amazing!
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while i do enjoy watching a movie with a friend i realized that i had all my best experiences in the movie theater while going alone. when i’m by myself i have all the time in the world to think about the movie after it’s finished and let it really sit with me.
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Top Recs from @adriansympson

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My dad loved horror movies - not many actually Scared him. After seeing this in theaters he told me he had to turn on all the lights when he got home. I just saw it for the first time and while I loved it I wouldn’t say this is a Scary Movie. It’s more so a story about ghosts that almost feels like a gothic fairytale. Nicole Kidman is insanely good in it. The way she can lose her grip on reality while still maintaining her humanity is heartbreaking. SO, highly recommend watching especially on a foggy/stormy night. And make sure to lock that door behind you thx love u so much xoxo4evr
Nov 26, 2024