I have big anxiety and panic disorder and often avoid or put off doing anything that causes me any sort of discomfort. This quote has helped me come out of that bubble. This is the full quote; “Stay afraid, but do it anyway. Whats important is the action, you don’t have to wait to be confident. Just do it and eventually the confidence will follow”. - Carrie Fisher 🫶

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This morning I started to recognise the familiar symptoms of an anxiety attack, that usually leads me to be completely unable to function. I have my resources and I can handle them (anxiety/panic attacks), even if they cause me an immense amount of pain, both physically and emotionally. But there’s one thing I was never ever able to do, that people often told me would help: put on comfortable clothes and take a walk, go outside and breathe, get the fuck out of your room. I thought I would never been able to do that, never. “I am not strong enough, it may be good for others, but me? I’m weak, I cannot function, something bad might happen, my body is not my ally in these cases”. I guess I was wrong, and I’m so happy to admit I was wrong. I said to myself, when those symptoms arised this morning: “ok, breathe, it’s just the same familiar stuff you know very well. Now, you can deal with it, even if you’re scared. But this time, why don’t you try something different? For just one time, allow yourself to react by moving your body, try to show your mind that there are other ways to deal with this”. I was scared as fuck, but I did it. And I discovered another part of myself that I thought wasn’t there. My body, this time, wasn’t against me…and maybe it never was, the poor thing was just trying to adapt to the comfort zone that stillness represented. I am incredibly strong, so much more than what I thought. And if someone needs to hear this: YOU ARE TOO.
Jan 25, 2025
long answer- you’re not alone. and if your fears persist and impact your ability to try to live a meaningful life, I would really suggest talking to someone about it like a friend or a therapist. i say this a lot and I’m not even much of a Dune fan but— fear is the mind killer. for yourself, for the people you love, for the sake of even just switching it up sometimes, learn to draw upon your courage and practice it. you won’t regret it and I believe in you! 💛 (also according to my partner the bird flu is probably least of your worries at this point, unless it becomes another swine flu, idk tho)
Jan 1, 2025
I must not fear Fear is the mind killer Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration I will face my fear I will permit it to pass over me and through me And when it has gone pass, I will turn the inner eye to see its path And where the fear has gone, there will be nothing Only I will remain
Aug 6, 2024

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They’re so good! I cannot recommend their debut album enough. However, this Blondie cover is 😍😍😍
I bought two, because sale, and I’ve been living in them since. they're cozy and make me feel nostalgic (albeit old lol)