each partner brings 1 movie you obsessively watched as a teenager, one that shaped your taste (for better or for worse). if you’re lucky, neither of you have seen the other‘s selected film. show them to each other and ask each other questions until it’s appropriate enough to start doing hand stuff
Very surreal viewing experience with myself and one dude being the only solitary perverts in our small theater packed to the gills with people—couples, pairs of women, and a front row of college aged girls having a ladies’ night. They were talking so loudly that people had to yell at them to shut up. (After the movie I heard one of them say “I think it was straight middle aged freaky not actually freaky. She’s a straight middle aged woman in power who wants to be dominated by the man and that’s the only thing. And she was a terrible person the entire time!”)
I was blushing furiously the whole time and shrinking into my seat and my jaw definitely dropped multiple times. Very cerebral and psychosexually loaded movie that deals primarily in restraint to explore control vs vulnerability…
The girls are queening out at the theater and leaving weird and rabid and delighted. Also perfect date night movie for goths, certified by me and my partner.
i just watched this movie on my friends couch after she made us a lovely dinner and dessert. it was soooo deranged and weird. i love it and her so much
no sugars, only a splash of milk. you need one coffee for drinking while you eat the croissant, and one coffee for drinking while you ponder what comes next