i hadn't seen this movie in over 10 years and loved it on this rewatch. it gets a bad rap for being like a "film bro" movie but it's so much more than that. bret easton ellis rules and this adaptation has to be one of the best ever
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Nov 2, 2024

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After Donnie Darko, Richard Kelly was given 20 million to make "Southland Tales". A film that got booed out of Cannes film festival, grossed only 300,000 worldwide box office, and practically killed the man's film career (before the very recent news of his return). After finally getting around to watching it, I simply cannot understand how anyone didn't enjoy the hell out of this movie. It has aged beautifully, the cast is fucking loaded and all over the place (The Rock, Stifler, Wallace Shawn, Justin Timberlake, Amy Poehler + many more), and in a very silly/fun way satirizes post 9/11 hysteria and political dispersion/stupidity in america without being very preachy. Yes it's sporadic, but there's so many quotables and memorable scenes that are hilarious and just batshit fucking insane Hollywood truly needs to return to giving money to psychos and letting them run wild with their vision. it creates a truly unique film experience such as this one that I could not recommend more.
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this movie is an absolute classic!!! A master class in near dystopian, end of world, love story with a side of eccentrics that can only be found in films made over ten years ago. Is it cringe?? HELL NO. its a sign of those times update: it also feels SO american in a way thats so comforting. I miss the unbridled patriotism sometimes
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