i cant sit still long enough to meditate but qigong helps ground my body in a movement flow that also calms my mind. i really like the Yoqi resources. here’s one for autumn.
Nov 2, 2024

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Meditative, gentle movement and breath work. Clear your mind, focus on the moves and tune into your chi. Improves balance and connection with the earth. Great to do alone or with a group when everyone has learned the moves. Plus the moves have cool names like “parting the wild horse’s mane”, “grasp the sparrow’s tail”, and “snake creeps down”.
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Start with doing yoga as a moving meditation. Yin Yoga or Yoga Nidra might be a very soft introduction to bring your mind & body into a meditative state. Lie down at the end, take your time and start appreciating Shavasana. Start feeling every body part at once by simply putting all your mental energy & thoughts into a specific area of your body. Start with your feet, move on to your knees, your stomach, chest, arms, fingers. End with your head. Start to feel thoughts as clouds passing by. After some tries you find your mind empty, released & at ease. Every time is different. Some times it will feel very easy, on some days you won’t feel it working at all - But still you stopped 5 minutes from doing whatsoever, switched off your brain for a bit. It will help you feel calm on the long run 💎
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I started reading this book called Seeking The Heart of Wisdom which is about meditation and how to bring meditating into your every day life. It’s really helped me calm tf down! Every morning I take a few minutes just think set my intentions for the day, or goals for the week or month or even the year! Helps me stay grounded. highly recommend!!
Sep 25, 2024

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like actually talking to it. really connecting. not just using it. listening, asking questions, dialoguing. “what does this feel like?” “do you like this?” “does this feel bad?” “are you okay” “im sorry i didnt listen” ”you are right lets go eat” etc.
Sep 29, 2024
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this is what i call those rare moments of deep understanding around significant life changes. like when something is super super hard and you’re struggling and its heavy but then there is this massive chasm in your heart and it feels like god just struck you with a lightening bolt of truth and you feel so much lighter. thats a god moment.
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