Loved the nolanesque feel and mind-boggling ending

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I love sci-fi, but I donā€™t watch a lot of movies because itā€™s always ā€œman versus machineā€. Itā€™s always predictable how something will always go wrong, the tech will fail, etc. I know Interstellar has rave reviews, but I didnā€™t see it until today. Now I know why everyone loves it. It was never a question of ā€œwill the technology allow us to do thingsā€, it was more about the human choices and sacrifices we have to make with the limitations of technology and who weā€™re making those sacrifices for.
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I know others have recd it, but I finished it today and HOLY SHIT. That is some good sci-fi!! itā€™s like if Ghibli did brutality? I realllyyyy love when stories portray an environment as a central character, and this planet and its creatures have so much personality. Annihilation meets Nausicaa of the valley of the wind. Just stunning.
Aug 21, 2024