shopping for an ipod classic has made me wonder why i want an ipod classic. it’s something that has one singular function (a function that my phone does pretty well) and i think it’s exactly because of that that i want one. of course, the argument of the nostalgia factor is there, but the simplicity of it all is attractive to me... i would like to focus on the music only and enjoy how tactile and nice the buttons and the build quality is on one of those things… of course in terms of other tech the nostalgia is probably playing a bigger part in it, like using an old iphone for your instagram photos for the grain and lower quality… but i think getting the most life possible out of these things is a really fun and responsible thing to do and it should be more common.
Nov 5, 2024

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And every day i regret getting rid of it. And no buying one wouldn’t be the same, I want MY old blue iPod! before that I had a portable tape player that came with a fabric multicolour case in the shape of a dragon that doubled as a bag, and had speakers, but I mostly used that for audiobooks on holiday or sleepovers at my grandparents as I listened to stuff to go to sleep. At home I had a little green cd and tape player that was very round and very cute. In my tweens/early teens I decided to be cool and weird and ditch new technology and replaced my iPod with a cd walkman, and my motoroler razor flip phone for an old Nokia brick. (Mostly because I was bad for losing things and I was scared of losing fancy phones).
Apr 13, 2024

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