I was visiting my friend who lives in San Jose a couple years ago and a couple weeks before we left, my friend was like "Should we check out a show while we are out there? Kurt Vile is playing in SF that week." I was like that sounds cool but upon looking further at it, I noticed that they were playing at a winery in Sonoma the next day. We decided to do a one night overnight in wine country and check out the show. The venue was beautiful, a hill facing the stage with a view of the vineyards in the background. Since it was a winery, they sold bottles of wine at the show for $30 a pop so we had a couple of those. The show was amazing. I had seen Kurt Vile but I find his live to show to be entrancing like his music with a little bit of the rawness of a Neil Young Crazy Horse record. After the show, the lyft that we thought to order before the show so we could drink never came and we were lucky to get another uber to pick us up in the middle of the night from the middle of nowhere and bring us back to our hotel in Napa.
recommendation image
Nov 5, 2024

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