A good board game when sober and lucid, but an even better board game when high as a kite with others.
A game of strategy, but not the complex kind where you have to study and it feels like you're lowkey taking a 300 level course (catan, terraforming mars, etc.). No, this is a strategy of pure vibes. Sure, there's some probability involved, but most of it involves trying to predict what your team has and what they want/plan to do - which is where the being high part comes in. After all, high people love reading each other's minds, or as me and my friend like to say - "getting on levels".
And if you play often enough with the same people you can start having your go-to teams and you can even invent your own rules - nobody can stop you! After all, rules are just a subjective consensus. Anyway, it's a great way to stay off your phone and grow closer with your loved one's (when high or sober). Chat, focus, and play into your fanciful whimsies all at once. And its relatively cheap to purchase, unlike all those phD-level board games they're coming out with these days.