This is the most funny when it is following an opinion that is not even REMOTELY controversial, or better yet ?? after you state a fact.
Get creative with it
Ps works best when addressing a group of people, at least 2 or 3 will always giggle
So many times I catch myself adding “I think” to a statement when I know it for a fact. Often as a way of downplaying my knowledge or how much I keep track of certain things. Working on noticing and stopping this behavior.
getting giggly over the smallest interactions with someone but also thinking you're so embracing and wanting to be lobotomised... actually this might be an anti rec.
I hate being late to work as much as the next guy but the frenzy panic and adrenaline I feel is not it. I'm gonna be late, the world keeps spinning, take a breath and just chill the heck out. i'll get there when I get there