ok there’s this one line i think about all the time, i’m gonna paraphrase because i left my copy of the book at the studio, but it’s like “Sooner kill a child in its cradle than nurse un-acted upon desires” this sentence is constructed clumsily and it’s soooo dramatic but i adore the sentiment. i don’t want to see any of you little bitches nursing desires without attempting to realize them. boring!!!!! follow your desire to the best of your ability even if you lack talent or time or tools or whatever. constant birthing girlies!!! no calcification!!!
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Nov 7, 2024

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all you need is like 1-2 pages of text on paper, sometimes less. works every time. i used to swear by fiction but lately i’ve been reading a lot of “hard books” for example Concerning the spiritual in art by wassily kandinsky and Memories dreams reflections by carl jung and i think these work even better for sleepiness in the way they make me feel too stupid to be awake. blue light from the phone/laptop etc will kill you
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