Chaos and madness, thousands and thousands of samples strung together in a dream. You can play it track by track or just let it run as one big song — it is entirely unique in sound and style and feeling.
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Nov 8, 2024

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Top Recs from @IndieDreams

Ingredients: 🍞 1 loaf flat Turkish bread (but really, any bread) 🧄 1 garlic clove 🍅 1 tomato (dealer's choice) 🧀 1 fresh mozzarella (the one in water, burrata if you're feeling ✨fancy✨) 🫒 Extra virgin olive oil 🌿 Basil 🧂 Salt Method: 1. Slice that bread, toast it in your favourite way (I go face down in a pan until crispy inside, soft outside). 2. Cut the garlic in half and rub it all over the bread for a *touch* of garlic flavour. 3. Grate the tomato (I use a cheese grater) and spread on the bread in a thick layer. 4. Slice up the mozzarella into discs and place on top of tomato. 5. Basil and olive oil to taste. Salt if you want the salty. Optional, but delicious additions I've tried: - Thinly sliced prosciutto - avocado - any kind of pickles - roast peaches - dukkah - leafy greens - eggs of any kind Can also be: - a fun caprese salad sans bread - a solid sandwich - a bruschetta if you make it 🤏 tiny
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I admittedly didn't buy your cookbook to learn about you or your philosophy — I just wanted that one recipe I read in the store. But now, before I even get to the sticky chilli fish, I'm here absorbed in your foreword and it's love
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