“we don't stop playing because we grow old. we grow old because we stop playing.”
—george bernard shaw
i first heard this quote in the movie, tag (2018), and it stuck with me ever since. (don't bother watching it)
when i was younger, i'd always try to play board games with anyone who wanted to play with me. my parents would decline more often than not, because they're "too old for that."
as i've grown older, i've realized that there aren't really any earth-shattering changes that come with adulthood. the bulk of it is just having a new laundry list of responsibilities. as an adult, i still feel the same desire to play board games and have fun.
board games shouldn't have an age limit. i've enjoyed them ever since i was a kid, and i'll continue to enjoy them as an adult. game nights will be a staple in my household.
never stop playing !