These are two of my favorite newish bands.Crushed is Shaun Durkan from Weeknd and Bre Morell from Temple of Angels and they put out their first EP Extra Life in February of this year. The main thing for me about their music is that it feels SPIRITUAL in a way that is so fucking cool. Bono was onto something tbh - if you really think about it all love songs are really songs about god, because falling love is the projection of the divine onto another. That’s why it’s so life altering because you are catching a glimpse of the divine within yourself as mirrored by another. Listening to their music, that’s what I hear and it moves me deeply. Militarie Gun is a hardcore band except they also sound like Guided By Voice/Archers of Loaf which is a combination I like to call Yasi-core (waiting for this to catch on). Real dudes rock hours and also spiritual, in its own way.